What's new
Interacts is a simple tool that makes remote collaboration engaging and productive in minutes. Get rich input in your meetings and workshops quickly and easily with sticky notes, polls, word clouds, voted action points, and more.

Version 0.9.1 - Latest
AI Insights Beta
Introducing AI Insights Beta. Automatically find the core themes, outlying themes, and even ideas for solutions and action. AI insights reduces the anxiety and need for you to read everyone's responses quickly and find themes on the spot. Rather spend time engaging with people, making decisions, and figuring out productive ways forward.
AI Insights are particularly great for agile sessions, retrospectives, and problem solving workshops.
How it works:
- AI Insights will be generated as new responses from your participants arrive.
- Logically, this feature only works for poll text / sticky note prompts. Not multiple choice polls, multiple choice quizzes, or text quizzes.
- They will also appear for your existing sessions if you load the session and navigate through each prompt. (Wait ±10 seconds for it to activate on each prompt).
Coming soon: AI Insights will soon be integrated into action points and the session report. If you have any questions
Version 0.9.0
This version consists of bug fixes and stability enhancements.
- Session crash bug fixed: Upgraded icon library to solve peculiar bug that crashed the application when &, <, > are used in responses.
- Refined presenter input sticky note to make it easier to select and add text.
- Removed presenter input for multiple choice prompts. Presenters can respond in a new tab as a participant to maintain privacy of response capture.
- Disabled prompt navigation buttons while loading prompt to prevent inconsistent session states.
- Added loading indicator while template preview prompts are loading.
- Fixed having the presenter being added to the participant list twice when viewing the audience view from the "get started" tips.
Version 0.8.9
This release of Interacts has a number of key features, and many enhancements and bug fixes.
Async responses help save time while capturing in private
Asynchronous collaboration just got better. Select which questions / prompts you want to allow pre-capture for. Participants can capture their responses privately in their own time, making sessions focus on what's really important.

See when people are done, and choose people at random
The status of participants is brought to the forefront. You can now see who is in your session, who has captured responses, and who is done responding for a specific prompt. You can also select a participant at random to speak up and elaborate their responses - it's also useful for fun games and ice breakers.

Creating presentations, workshops, and quizzes made easier
You can now create presentations by bulk uploading images, to get your session setup in minutes. Making quizzes is more intuitive. And creating workshops with bulk prompts is now easier.

Async templates, and new templates for agile, and quizzes
We've added async templates for daily stand ups, and provided new templates for gap analysis, SWOT analysis, movie script retrospective, and trivia quizzes.

Other enhancements and bug fixes
- Enhancement: Presenters can now edit action points.
- Enhancement: Send response success animation is now less crazy big.
- Enhancement: Quiz responses are better displayed.
- Enhancement: Templates now load much faster.
- Bug fix: Revealing and hiding sticky notes bug has been fixed.
- Bug fix: Presenter view on iPad is more responsive.
- Bug fix: Voting on sticky notes bug is fixed.
Version 0.8.7
This release of Interacts has some useful features for your remote and hybrid sessions. Including a number of enhancements and bug fixes for the general user interface, discussions, action points, the participant interface, and session reports.
Save time and allow your group to pre-capture responses in private
Plan your session's questions and prompts, then allow your group to capture their responses in private before the session begins. This feature saves lots of time during sessions, and allows for everyone to think critically about their responses.
Everyone can strikethrough and delete mistake sticky notes
Everyone makes mistakes, and Interacts tries to simulate real human collaboration as closely as possible. Anyone can now strikethrough sticky notes just like physical ones, and the host can permanently delete sticky notes that might clutter the space and group's thinking.
Version 0.8.0
Interacts has a number of exciting updates to make your sessions easier to plan, more engaging, with solid outcomes and take aways. This means, more templates, a searchable prompt library, easier discussion navigation and energizer additions, unique sticky notes per person, up voting and down voting, and beautiful session reports summarising everything.
Brand new session templates and searchable prompt library
Templates make planning and setting up sessions with your team quick and easy. We've included five new templates including:
- Decision trade offs: Collaboratively make decisions fast.
- Friday wind down: A fun yet productive end to the week.
- Three little pigs retrospective: A different take on retrospectives.
- Quick brainstorm: Understand problems and create solutions fast.
- Special set of skills: Uncover people's hidden skills for a cohesive team.
You can now also search our prompt library to tailor your session or inspire ideas for your own prompts.
Navigate discussion prompts with ease
We've upgraded the navigation interface for discussions to be more intuitive and informative. You can create custom prompts during a session, add energizer prompts instantly, and navigate your agenda easily.
Uniquely colored sticky notes and voting for rich discussions
It used to be difficult to mentally map sticky note responses to the people participating. Now everyone gets their own uniquely colored sticky notes. Everyone can up vote and down vote sticky notes, and the host can move them around to cluster related themes.
Make concrete outcomes for sessions with action points
Most meetings, workshops, and training sessions lack solid outcomes for continued productivity and group value. Interacts now lets anyone create action points and allows voting to find the highest priority ones.
Add energizers and fun to sessions in an instant
Most sessions, remote or in-person, can suffer from mental fatigue. Energizers help to create variety and stimulate the group with fun questions, quizzes, and games. You can now easily browse and add an energizer prompt instantly during a session.
Share insights with beautiful session reports
Most collaborative sessions create alignment in the group, rich discussion and actions based on meaningful insights. But this rich information is often lost in the moment. Interacts now generates a beautiful sharable report with all the session's participation, action points, and discussion content.
Version 0.7.3
Interacts now allows presenters to create their own responses directly as sticky notes, and supports the ability for anyone to create multiple responses to prompts.
Add responses to your heart's content
Get richer feedback from each person, with no limits. Presenters and audience members can now add multiple responses to prompts.
Presenters, add your sticky notes
No one is left out. Presenters can now add their responses to prompts directly, instead of opening a window as an audience member.
Version 0.7.0
Interacts is now open to everyone. Here are the notable features in this release.
Everyone's invited
There is no longer a requirement for early access codes to create a presenter account. However, if you invite a friend, you both will get exclusive access to new features and perks in the future.
Quickly see trends from your group
Identify trends and popular opinions among your participants with the live updating word cloud. It's useful for brainstorming, ideation sessions, and more.
Get engagement with easy sticky notes
Participants can add their responses as sticky notes with no fuss. People are often biased or anchored by seeing other opinions. Responses are hidden until you choose for them to be seen. Great for retrospectives, ideation, and more.
Poll your group with ease
Creating polls and collecting votes from participants is a good way to make decisions, and gauge sentiment.
Get a boost with the template library
Finding inspiration or proven methods of running sessions can be difficult. We’ve created the template library with a variety of templates that can be used out-of-the-box. Browse them for daily stand ups, retrospectives, team alignment, ice breakers, team building, and more.
Setup a session in minutes
Interacts aims to make preparing for a session as painless as possible. You can now bulk create prompts by simply pasting them in and generating.
The need to convey information
Sometimes we just need to show something visual and convey some information to the group. The new slide type lets you upload slides as images and speak through them in your session.
Reuse and edit sessions with ease
Session setups are always evolving and are often needed for more than one occasion. You can duplicate and edit session setups easily.
Export and integrate
The alignment gained among the team in a session is a great outcome, but the actual responses and trends are critical for next steps. Export the session information as a spreadsheet and import into your favourite project management or productivity tool.
Level up your facilitation skills
The hustle and bustle of the day-to-day can leave us with little to no time to think about how to best prepare for and run sessions. Check out our new blog and facilitation guide for tips and tricks: https://grow.interactsapp.com/effective-facilitation-part-1/