Randomize Daily Stand Up
A template packed with meaningful prompts for daily stand up meetings. Randomly pick 2 or 3 prompts each day, to keep the mornings interesting.

Daily stand ups are misunderstood and often disliked and dreaded by teams, deeming it a waste of time because they get little to no value from it.
In many sports like American football and rugby, the team huddles before each play. The huddle is strategic: it keeps the team informed, connected, and calibrated throughout the game. For software teams, the stand-up is like the team’s huddle. It’s even commonly known as the daily scrum, and reinforces “we” to keep everyone aware of the team’s landscape and progress.
This template is packed with meaningful prompts for daily stand up meetings. Randomly pick 2 or 3 prompts each day, to keep the mornings interesting.
This Interacts template creates a collaborative space with sticky notes, word clouds, polls, and more to explore the following topics:
- How do you feel today? 😁😔😌😖
- What's taking longer than expected?
- What parts of the project are we fuzzy about?
- Any dependencies or risks to discuss?
- Anything we can celebrate since last time?
- Do you need any pairing / collaboration today?
- Anything interesting happening in your personal world?
- Anyone feeling idle or want to volunteer time to help others?
- Anything unclear about your tasks / focus area for today?
- Do you need to discuss any approaches or solutions today?
- Are there any items that you're awaiting feedback on?
How to run this session
- Sign in to Interacts and create a new session.
- Scroll down and choose the Variety daily stand up template.
- You will notice a pre-populated session setup with all the relevant prompts.
- Add, edit, or remove prompts at your discretion.
- Click Save session, and that's it. You're ready to go.
The Variety daily stand up session usually takes 10 - 30 minutes.