Decision Trade Off Workshop

The decision trade offs session eliminates decision paralysis in teams by providing a quick collaborative way to choose an option.

Decision Trade Off Workshop

The decision trade offs session eliminates decision paralysis in teams by providing a quick collaborative way to choose an option.

Decision paralysis is the lack of ability to decide out of fear of making the wrong choice. It can occur when you or your team are presented with too many choices that are difficult to compare. Use this activity to quickly make decisions and make sure everyone is on the same page.

This Interacts template creates a collaborative space with sticky notes, word clouds,  polls, and more to explore the following topics:

  • What are the advantages of this decision?
  • What are the disadvantages of this decision?
  • Should we take this decision? ✅ ❌

How to run this session

  1. Sign in to Interacts and create a new session.
  2. Scroll down and choose the Decision trade off template.
  3. You will notice a pre-populated session setup with all the relevant prompts.
  4. Add, edit, or remove prompts at your discretion.
  5. Click Save session, and that's it. You're ready to go.
    The Decision trade off session usually takes 10 - 20 minutes.